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john petrucci artinya

contoh kalimat "john petrucci"
  • john petrucci
  • john:    yohanes; john; santo yohanes penginjil; saint
  • john:    yohanes; john; santo yohanes penginjil; saint john; st. john; yohanes evangelis; john lackland; king john; kakus; toilet; kamar ganti; tandas; wc; jamban; kamar mandi; kamar kecil
  • apocryphon of john:    apokrifon yohanes
  • chris john:    chris john (boxer); chris john (politikus)
  • gospel of john:    injil yohanes
  • i john:    1 yohanes; surat 1 yohanes; i yohanes
  • john 1:    yohanes 1
  • john 10:    yohanes 10
  • john 11:    yohanes 11
  • john 12:    yohanes 12
  • john 13:    yohanes 13
  • john 14:    yohanes 14
  • john 15:    yohanes 15
  • john 16:    yohanes 16
  • john 17:    yohanes 17
  • There, he met John Petrucci and John Myung.
    Di sana, ia bertemu John Petrucci dan John Myung.
  • All music composed by John Petrucci.
    Seluruh musik diciptakan oleh John Petrucci.
  • All music composed by John Petrucci, John Myung, Jordan Rudess and Mike Portnoy.
    Seluruh musik diciptakan oleh John Petrucci, John Myung, Jordan Rudess dan Mike Portnoy.
  • In the song "Misunderstood", John Petrucci wrote and played the guitar solo, and then reversed it.
    Dalam lagu "Misunderstood", John Petrucci menulis dan memainkan solo gitar, dan kemudian membalik itu.
  • "Dream Theater's John Petrucci On Obsessing Over Rush, Playing "Mary Had a Little Lamb" and More".
    "Dream Theater John Petrucci terobsesi pada Rush, Bermain "Mary Had a Little Lamb" dan lainnya".
  • Although John Petrucci brought in demos, riffs, and songs from home, the album was mostly written in the studio.
    Meskipun Petrucci juga membawa demo, riff, dan lagu-lagu dari rumah, album ini sebagian besar ditulis di studio.
  • The song was written by the band's guitarist and producer John Petrucci, bassist John Myung, and keyboardist Jordan Rudess.
    Lagu ini ditulis oleh gitaris dan produser band John Petrucci, keyboardist Jordan Rudess, dan bassist John Myung.
  • The group was composed of Dream Theater bandmembers John Petrucci, Jordan Rudess and Mike Portnoy, as well as bassist Tony Levin.
    Kelompok ini terdiri dari John Petrucci, Jordan Rudess dan Mike Portnoy, serta bassis Tony Levin.
  • The song's lyrics, according to the guitarist John Petrucci, are about things for which people will live, die or kill.
    Tentang lirik lagu, menurut gitaris John Petrucci, adalah tentang hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan hidup, mati, atau terbunuh.
  • John Petrucci wrote the lyrics for five of the eight songs on the album, telling a fictional story through each one.
    John Petrucci menulis lirik untuk lima dari delapan lagu di album, berisi cerita fiksi melalui masing-masing lagu.
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